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Separation anxiety is a very difficult behaviour to live with. Knowing your dog gets stressed when you leave is upsetting.

The most common signs of separation anxiety include:

Vocalization – Barking, whimpering, whining, yipping, howling. Often vocalization is so loud that you may receive neighbour complaints.

Panting – Breathing heavily, panting and sometimes drooling.

Pacing – The dog cannot settle so that will pace often in front of the exit door but also around the home, often running between windows and doors in the hope to glimpse their person.

Hypervigilance – Increased following, velcro-like behaviour when they anticipate you are about to leave.

Damage to the home – Chewing on furniture and fixtures, destruction of furnishing like pillows, clothing etc. Scratching at door frames often those closest to the exit door.

Elimination in the home – If a dog is so panicked, they may lose control of their bodily functions and mess in the house. This is relevant if the dog is otherwise housetrained and healthy.

In this video, I have collated some of the most common separation signs I see with my clients.

Trigger warning – This video includes dogs vocalizing so if you are listening to it with your own dogs around they may respond.

Common Signs of Separation Anxiety


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