Recently I have been thinking a lot about why dogs are such an essential part of many people’s lives. I know in my case, I can’t imagine a life without a dog or two (or maybe three if my husband would allow it). Is it because they seem to know what we are thinking? How do they know that we have had a good day or a bad day? Being a dog trainer, I know better than attributing my dog’s ability to know these details to human traits. The reality is that dogs are masters of reading body language. They pick up on the subtle and not-so-subtle signs that we send out. This is how dogs communicate with other dogs and, if we are willing, with us.
Investing time to train our dogs does not just benefit us with an obedient dog. It provides us with a way that we can communicate with each other. If we can communicate well, then our relationship with each other will grow stronger as a result. Learning the subtle signs of canine communication allows us to be an advocate for our dogs. It provides us with the information we need to manage their environment. Is that scary person too close?…. Let’s move further away. Are the children draping themselves over me too much?…. Time for a time out for the kids.
Watching your dog, being an advocate for your dog, will set them up for success. Investing the time to train your dog will result in an enhanced relationship with them. My dogs know that I have their back. I do keep them out of trouble. I am their protector. I make sure they are well fed, groomed and healthy. I spend time training them. In return, I revel in the joy of having well-mannered dogs as my companions.